Event: • Fine Rides & Friends Car Show Featuring Mustang Club of San Diego
Date: Sunday, September 18, 2022
Time: 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Location: SDAM Cars and Coffee
8665 Argent St, Santee, CA
Santee, California
Phone: (619) 231-2886
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/527790009113271/?ti=ls
Fine Rides & Friends Car Show Featuring Mustang Club of San Diego
Pacific Islander Beer Co. 8665 Argent St, Santee, CA 92071-4173, United States
Featuring the Mustang Club Of San Diego

We will have a gathering of Ford mustangs and I am asking for any and all years. If you’re not a part of the Mustang Club Of San Diego but you have a Mustang I invite you to sign up. I do have an RSVP list that I need to put your info on if you want to commit to being there. This is a free show with no registration fee. Please reach out to me to get on my RSVP list

We will be having this car show in the parking lot of Pacific Islander Beer Company. We will be having vendors, food, raffles, DJ and giveaways which always makes for a good Time!
I am loading and staging cars between 10:30 -11 AM and the show starts at 1 PM
We sell plenty of delicious craft beers, ciders, seltzers on tap inside the brewery to wet your whistle.