JBA Hits SEMA 2023

JBA Hits SEMA 2023!

SEMA stands for Specialty Equipment Market Association and the annual SEMA Show that's held in Las Vegas, Nevada, is a special event that previews new "trends" and innovations, and there's competition between high-profile builders as well as lesser-known shops to come up with worthy, head-turning cars and trucks that gets recognition for fresh ideas. Display vehicles are inside, outside, and in the various hallways. The parking lots out front has overflow displays, everywhere you look there's something to see and absorb. There were loads of GM and Ford vehicles as feature cars displayed, and while it was disappointing with the cancelation of all Stellantis displays (as a result of the then-ongoing UAW negotiations) and with that, an all-out effort was put forth to walk the entire place and gather-up the "best of the best" of everything Mopar!  

The 2023 SEMA Show welcomed more than 2,200 exhibitors and approximately 160,000 attendees to the Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC) campus to network and discover the next-generation products that will drive business success, industry growth and the future of the aftermarket in the coming year. For buyers at speed shops and automotive-related wholesalers and retailers, the exhibitors offered them a chance to seek out "the next big thing" or at least what they project it to be.

The New Products Showcase, located in the North Hall, had a huge selection of parts and components for performance applications, and walking in and around all the show floors there were parts, parts and parts in, on and around the feature vehicles.

This 2023 SEMA Show coverage gives a sampling of the hottest vehicles on display, inside and out of the massive Las Vegas Convention Center. "Global Powerhouse Event" is what this trade event has been called, and when gazing at the high number of international badges of visitors it's clear automotive industry members from all over the world make this a "must see" event. 

SEMA Show '23 is over, it was by all observations another success and next year plan to see more of the same, the latest and greatest in term of all things automotive aftermarket! We’ll be there  November 5-8, 2024 for the next one!