Event: Southern California Historic Sports Car Festival

« return to April, 2016

Event Flyer

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 to Sunday, May 1, 2016

Time: All Day

Location: Auto Club Speedway


Address: 9300 Cherry Avenue
Fontana, CA

Website: http://www.svra.com/events/2016-southern-california-historic-sports-car-festival/

Photos: https://youtu.be/i-DpyhzFwWU

Description: A spectacular gathering of vintage race cars will create a show during the 15th annual Southern California Historic Sports Car Festival at the Auto Club Speedway. The challenging 21 turn, 2.8 mile sports car track configuration will be utilized.
Two full days racing will be available to competitors in all SVRA race groups. VARA members are invited. Friday is an open test day and SVRA will also offer an optional Driver Orientation/Track Orientation Program (TOP/DOP) for drivers who have not previously competed at this track and/or for those who want to learn a few extra “go-fast” secrets of this road race circuit.
Vintage and Historic Indy cars and Sprint cars of all eras are invited to run exhibition laps on the oval as part of the weekend. There will be exhibition session on the oval twice each day.
Saturday evening will feature a party for drivers and crew. Spectator tickets can be purchased at the gate.The paddock and garage areas are open to all attendees.